
Jun 11
May 06

Summer Job Skills

Summer jobs come in various shapes and sizes, but one job that fits nearly anyone is that of a lifeguard. While it does require specific training and certifications, those are readily available, don’t take a lot... read more →
May 06

Open Lifeguard Positions 2021

The most important factor for a swimming pool to be open is a large contingent of qualified lifeguards. Many pools were closed during 2020, but in 2021 most of them will be open: and they are looking for YOU! During... read more →
Apr 08

Top Maryland Summer Jobs for 2021

Warmer weather is upon us and has many of us thinking of long sunny days and starry nights. Summer is a great time to earn some extra money with a full- or part-time job. Summertime in Maryland offers plenty of opportunities to make money to set aside... read more →
Mar 15

How to Become a Lifeguard

Summer is quickly approaching and you are in need of a summer job. You want to become a lifeguard but you have no idea where to start. You might be asking... read more →
Feb 15

Lifeguarding – A Stepping Stone to Great Things

No experience necessary, training provided - Lifeguarding requires no prior experience so it’s the perfect summer job. Continental Pools provides all the training necessary to become a lifeguard including CPR, first-aid, AED training, and water... read more →
Countdown to Memorial Day! -61 Days 2 Hours 48 Minutes 27 Seconds