Corporate Social Responsibility

Giving Back

We measure our success by how we positively impact people, society, and our planet and we strive to be an integral part of our community. By joining forces with our employees we harness the initiative of hundreds of people. Together we create positive change and help build a stronger future.

We have always believed that Continental Pools can and should give back to the communities we live and work within. We also believe many of our employees hold these same values and they have 100% of our support. Any employee (seasonal or year round) is encouraged to give back to their communities in a positive and meaningful way. We will support your initiative wholeheartedly.  

Following are the steps you need to take to get started:

  1. Create and submit a short proposal (1-2 paragraphs) of the initiative you want to start.
  2. We will review your proposal and, once accepted, we’ll schedule a meeting to further discuss the logistics of your plan.
  3. Create your Social Responsibility Council (SRC). This should include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasure. If you have a project through a service organization like Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts, continue to work with your advisor.
  4. Once you get started, we’d like you to share your progress. Submit all pictures and results so we can publish your accomplishments on our website and social media sites.
  5. Submit your proposal and all correspondence to [email protected]

We look forward to partnering with our employees to make a difference!

A few of our projects…

Dec 03

We Love Cold Water

Our team members have combined forces to create the coolest fundraising team. Together we will raise more money for Special Olympics Virginia than we ever could alone! Want to help? Support by making a donation to our team. The process is fast, easy, and secure... and you can be... read more →
Aug 26

A Small Act Can Make A Huge Difference

A few months ago we announced our donation to the Tamarindo Church which is located in Coasta Rica. They were in need of a water tank and pump to store their water supply during the dry season. Continental Pools donated the items and paid for installation. Today we received this thoughtful... read more →
Aug 06

A Proactive Approach to Sexual Assault

Every 92 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in America. As an American company, this statistic is embarrassing and we believe everyone has the ability and the responsibility to try and reduce this figure. We did some research and found a device that could help protect our female employees and... read more →
Jul 25

Upcoming Initiatives

We're always looking for new ways to give back. Check out a few of our upcoming projects: Tamarindo Church is located in Coasta Rica and is in need of a water tank and pump to store their water supply during the dry season. Continental Pools has donated the items... read more →
Jul 24

One Cold February Evening

One of our staff members recently told us a story from February 2019 that we believe is worth sharing... Driving home from work, this individual stopped to get gas. The temperatures were predicted to be in the single digits. At the... read more →
Jul 03

A Long Shot

We were recently contacted by a local church in Virginia with the following request: Greetings, This may be a long shot, but I have a question and invitation for you. I am a minister of a congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day... read more →
Sep 10

Filter System Renovation

We’re happy to report the installation of the modern swimming pool filtration system at the YMCA Kingston was a success! The previous filter and valve combination at the facility were insufficient, antiquated and the associated plumbing was inadequately designed leaving the pool water cloudy.... read more →
Sep 04

Nicaragua Update

In January of 2018, we partnered with Tamarindo Church (non-denominational) to assist the Cristo Rey community in Nicaragua. The assistance provided included purchasing and helping to install tile flooring in four classroom areas. This is required by the ministry of education in Nicaragua to legally hold classes... read more →
Feb 19


Continental Pools will be supporting the Tamarindo Church (non-denominational) with their efforts to help the town of Titiapa. On January 22nd, Tamarindo Church headed up to Cristo Rey in Nicaragua for an annual church mission trip. This year, they have partnered with the ministry of... read more →
Jan 18


The Kingston YMCA, located at 21 Hope Road, Kingston, Jamaica, has offered tons of fun activities for adults and kids over the years. Adult swimming classes are held every day, except Sunday, and they even offer swim lessons for... read more →
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