… instead of looking the other way.
One of our staff members recently told us a story from February 2019 that we believe is worth sharing…
Driving home from work, this individual stopped to get gas. The temperatures were predicted to be in the single digits. At the gas station he noticed a woman who appeared to be homeless sitting on the curb. Her face was bright red from the chilling wind and freezing temperature. Curious to know her story, he asked where she was going and where she planned to sleep since the temperature would continue to drop. The woman replied by explaining she was traveling North to a city where she had friends and would probably sleep in a nearby field. Shocked by the response, our staff memeber quickly realized this woman could actually die if she decided to sleep outdoors. He took her inside the station, bought her a few snacks and a warm drink then called the police.
When the police arrived they informed him of a homeless shelter 30 minutes away but explained they wouldn’t be able to assist in getting her there. Frustrated with that response our staff member called the shelter only to find it was full. With a little luck, they offered to make an exception because of the extreme temperatures that evening.
Once she was checked in and fed, our coworker made sure she could stay for the next 2 days untill the weather warmed up. He then went back over the weekend and brought her warm clothes, a stocking cap, gloves, more food and $20 cash. To top it all off, he picked her up and took her to the bus station where he purchased a ticket to her final destination.
This act of kindness was not required or demanded. It was a choice to ask the woman her story, to have enough compassion to purchase a few essentials she desperately needed, and to make sure she safely made it to her final destination. As you continue your day, remember one small act of kindness may not change the world but it has the ability to change someone’s world.

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