Tamarindo Church
Continental Pools will be supporting the Tamarindo Church (non-denominational) with their efforts to help the town of Titiapa. On January 22nd, Tamarindo Church headed up to Cristo Rey in Nicaragua for an annual church mission trip. This year, they have partnered with the ministry of FundaCristo in Cristo Rey barrio. While many children in the neighborhood don’t receive beyond a 6th-grade education, FundaCristo has a vision for seeing that these children have the opportunity to one day graduate from high school. Here are some statistics gathered from their website on elementary education in Nicaragua:
Only 72% of children finished primary school in 2009, the latest year for which data is available. This low figure hides bigger inequalities as only 65% of children from the poorest 20% of families completed primary school compared to 98% from the richest homes.
Secondary school figures are, not surprisingly, much worse:
46% finished the first tier (9th grade/year 10), and only 19% completed 11th grade (year 12). In the poorest families, only 6% of children finished secondary school.
To help Fundacristo in their vision of seeing kids get a complete education, we will assist the Tamarindo Church in purchasing and helping to install tile flooring in four classroom areas. This is required by the ministry of education in Nicaragua to legally hold classes at the facility. In addition, they will also be building storage space for the school, hosting VBS activities for the children and distributing basic food items to 350 families in the community.
If you would like to assist us in supporting this wonderful organization, click the link below to donate:

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